Spoken Museum - Their Voices

Spoken Museum - Their Voices

2021-12-01 15:00:59 (ost. akt: 2022-07-27 08:55:06)

Presentation of the recording and promotion of the album, with records of the memory of witnesses of recent history - residents of Lidzbark Warmiński remembering the time of war and changes after 1945.

[center] [Img = 400] https://m.wmwm.pl/2021/12/orig/zaproszenie-7338.jpg [/ img] [/ center]

The project was created in cooperation with the Association of the German Minority WARMIA.

Meeting as part of the project "Conservation and restoration of the fourteenth-century castle in Lidzbark Warmiński — pearls of Gothic architecture in Poland — III stage", implemented from funds received from Lslandia, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of EEA funds, as well as the Minister of Culture of National Heritage and Sport and the Self-Government of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship.

Together we work for a Europe that is green, competitive, and inclusive.


[center] [Img = 640] https://m.wmwm.pl/2021/08/orig/a-640-x-360-7094.jpg [/ img] [/ center]


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  • Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Muzeum Warmii i Mazur w Olsztynie
  • Partnerzy Muzeum Warmii i Mazur
  • Konserwacja i restauracja XIV-wiecznego zamku w Lidzbarku Warmińskim – perły architektury gotyckiej w Polsce – III etap
  • Logo roku Mikołaja Kopernika
  • Oferta najmu sal
  • Katalog on-line biblioteki Muzeum Warmii i Mazur w Olsztynie
  • Centrum Spotkań Europejskich
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