Query at the Museum of Applied Arts in Poznań

2022-01-13 09:30:40 (ost. akt: 2022-07-27 08:52:26)

The last query in 2020 led us at the beginning of December to the Museum of Applied Arts in Poznań.

Query at the Museum of Applied Arts in Poznań
The role of our guides to museum warehouses and exhibitions was played by Mr. Michał Błaszczyński, the guardian of the furniture collection, and Mrs. Karolina Aszurkiewicz, the guardian of the ceramics and glass collections – the objects from these collections were the most on our "see you" list. In the metal warehouse we also met Mrs. Renata Sobczak-Jaskulska, the head of the branch of the Museum of Applied Arts, who is a specialist in this type of collection. Mrs. Renata showed us various tin dishes, as well as a brass filament for heating feet or hands, which we will definitely want to use in reconstructed interiors. In addition to access to museum collections related to the reconstructions, we very much appreciate the opportunity to exchange experiences with specialists in artistic craftsmanship, with whom we also work outside the project.

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