Promotion of the book: O tym jak Śmiałek, Ścibek i Glamek przybyli zwiedzać lidzbarski zamek (On how Daredevil, Thrifty and Glammy came to visit the Lidzbark castle) - Report

2016-04-05 10:43:27 (ost. akt: 2016-04-05 10:45:56)

Promotion of the book: O tym jak Śmiałek, Ścibek i Glamek przybyli zwiedzać lidzbarski zamek (On how Daredevil, Thrifty and Glammy came to visit the Lidzbark castle) - Report
There were many questions and much interesting discussion on writing fairy tales during yesterday’s promotion of the book and a meeting with Agata Grzegorczyk-Wosiek. That was not all, because there was also a performance of fragments of the text by children from the Elementary School No 4 and Tadeusz Krenz was excellent as the bishop. At the end of the meeting every child received a copy of the book with the personal dedication from the author.
We were able to publish the book O tym jak Śmiałek, Ścibek i Glamek przybyli zwiedzać lidzbarski zamek (On how Daredevil, Thrifty and Glammy came to visit the Lidzbark castle) thanks to the project “Conservation and restoration of the 14th c. castle in Lidzbark Warmiński – a pearl of gothic architecture in Poland – stage II” implemented with support of the Norway Grants, EEA funds originating from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage funds and funds of the territorial government of Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship.


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