The time capsule from 1928

2016-02-09 11:58:23 (ost. akt: 2016-02-09 11:59:50)

The time capsule from 1928
During the conservation works in Lidzbark castle and the disassembly of the tower helmet, a copper pipe containing a document from the times of castle renovation almost a hundred years earlier was found in the spire. The tube had been shot through in a few points, probably in 1945. The contents of the capsule were taken out at the paper conservation laboratory of the State Archive in Olsztyn.
Inside there was a document written in ink on thick multi-layered paper wrapped in newspapers from 1928 r. (Ermlaendischer Zeitung of 15 August 1928, Koenigsberger Tagesblatt of 20 July 1928) and packing paper. The text concerns the castle renovation during the years 1927-1934.
“In the summer of 1928, during the second year of refurbishment works, the castle small towers and the main tower received new roofing. The monk-nun type tiles replaced the old roofing of English shingle. The tower also gained a new helmet and this document was placed in the spire. The event was attended by:
Dr Augustyn Bludau, Bishop of Warmia
Dr Bahrfeld, President from Königsberg
Dr Spannenkrebs, Vicar General
Dr Eischer, Mayor of Lidzbark County
Archbishop Buchholz, Chair of the Castle Reconstruction Society
Schroeter, Mayor of Lidzbark
Lidzbark, on 6 August 1928”

The capsule was discovered during the works within the framework of the project “Conservation and restoration of the 14th c. castle in Lidzbark Warmiński – a pearl of gothic architecture in Poland – stage II”.


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