Letter in the bottle of 1928

2016-02-09 12:15:02 (ost. akt: 2016-02-09 12:16:48)

On Tuesday, 30 June 2015, a worker working on the refurbishment of the front of a small tower of Lidzbark castle found a bottle containing a letter.

Letter in the bottle of 1928
On Tuesday, 30 June 2015, a worker working on the refurbishment of the front of a small tower in the north-western corner of Lidzbark castle found a bottle containing a letter. It was positioned in the masonry of the western wall of the tower in the small recess covered with a movable half of a brick. The green beer bottle from Lidzbark brewery of St. George contained a roll of paper. This is the letter written on 4 July 1928 by the team of masons-carpenters working on refurbishment of the castle. The letter lists 12 workers by forename and surname, place of origin and age. The eldest was 51 and the youngest 19 years of age. In the descriptive part, the information such as the wage per hour was given as 24 pfennigs. The letter, together with the bottle, was passed to the Paper and Leather Conservation Laboratory of the State Archive in Olsztyn. After conservation and processing, the objects will be included in the exhibition of the “Lidzbark Castle construction history” that is being prepared at the castle of Lidzbark Warmiński.

The discovery was made during the works within the framework of the project “Conservation and restoration of the 14th c. castle in Lidzbark Warmiński – a pearl of gothic architecture in Poland – stage II”.


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