Potential of the Lidzbark castle in the context of the UNESCO list, the list of historic monuments and challenges of refurbishment and conservation

2016-02-09 12:07:31 (ost. akt: 2016-02-09 12:09:20)

7 November 2014, Friday, 11.00 a.m., Museum of Warmia in Lidzbark Warmiński

Potential of the Lidzbark castle in the context of the UNESCO list, the list of historic monuments and challenges of refurbishment and conservation
Implementation of the Lidzbark project represents not only a wide programme of revitalisation, refurbishment and conservation activities but also the opportunity for a debate on the methods of securing the priceless monument, which the castle of Lidzbark Warmiński is. The conference on the “Castles of the former Teutonic State in Prussia and the UNESCO World Heritage List and the List of Historic Monuments” offered the opportunity for discussion on the possibilities of including the castle in the UNESCO World Heritage List and the List of Historic Monuments.
The Museum of Warmia and Mazury organised the conference with participation of the territorial government of Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship. Presenting the role and exceptional character of the network of gothic castles in the territory of the former Teutonic State of Prussia, as well as considering the possibilities of protecting and popularising them, was the goal of the conference. The organisers were searching for an answer to the question of whether the gothic castles in former Prussia, as the network and the most pronounced symbol of the Teutonic State, satisfied the requirements of the UNESCO World Heritage List. During the meeting, it was possible to find out which of the castles in Warmia deserved inclusion in the List of Historic Monuments and which conditions would have to be satisfied to accomplish that.
The conference was held in the Great Refectory of the castle in Lidzbark Warmiński on 7 November 2014. The conference opened with a presentation by Jacek Protas, Marshal of Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship. Elżbieta Jelińska - Director of the Museum of Warmia and Mazury presented the introduction. During the conference, papers were presented by:
- Dr Hab. Jan Gancewski (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn), The system of castles as the base of the Teutonic State structure in Prussia; this presentation was accompanied by a presentation of the visualisation of reconstructions of the Teutonic State castles by Mirosław Garnec;
- Dr Wojciech Wółkowski (Warsaw University of Technology), The castle of the Bishops of Warmia in Lidzbark Warmiński and the castles of the former Teutonic State; a typical or an exceptional object?
- Dr Hab. Christofer Herrmann (University of Gdańsk), Which castles of the Teutonic State satisfy the criteria of the UNESCO World Heritage List?
- Andrzej Rzempołuch (Museum of Warmia and Mazury), The castles in Lidzbark Warmiński and in Olsztyn – monuments of the history of Polish architecture;
- Dr Eng. Katarzyna Piotrowska (National Heritage Board of Poland), Historic monuments and goods of world heritage – places of special value. The selection criteria and requirements concerning protection and conservation.


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