Stage two of conservation works in Lidzbark Castle begins

2016-01-29 09:43:53 (ost. akt: 2020-10-28 08:22:01)

The Museum of Warmia and Mazury received more than 13 million zlotys for the project "Conservation and restoration of the 14th c. castle in Lidzbark Warmiński – a pearl of gothic architecture in Poland".
The Museum of Warmia and Mazury in partnership with The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research presented the project “Conservation and restoration of the 14th c. castle in Lidzbark Warmiński – a pearl of gothic architecture in Poland – stage II”. On 12 February, we received information about the subsidising of our project by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage to the amount of PLN 13,390,700. The total project cost is to amount to 19,368,870 PLN.
We project conducting the following works, among others, refurbishment of the roofs of four castle wings and towers, conservation works on the southern front, three small towers and the main tower (in the octagonal part), continuation of the conservation works on the walls and vaulting of the first floor gallery – restoration works, modernisation of the power supply and lightning protection installations (including the intelligent lighting of the galleries), adaptation of the northern wing cellars for exhibition purposes, preparation of the exhibition on the construction history of the residency of the Bishops of Warmia, digitisation of monuments and creation of the virtual castle space (including the virtual sightseeing of the galleries), conservation of movable monuments, purchase of equipment for educational purposes and for improvement of the functioning of the castle presentation.


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